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Embracing the Energies of Spring to enhance your Health & Wellness - London Herts Essex - QI GONG

Embracing the Energies of Spring.

Spring is arriving.

Daffodils, tulips and Spring flowers joined by the first trees in blossom make it easy to notice the emergence of Spring.
The energies of Spring also contain that lighter more expansive feeling in stark contrast to the heavier, darker, inward energetics of Winter.

Within the context of the WuXin or the 5 Phases theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the season of Spring is classified as the Wood Element.
The WuXin has developed over thousands of years in China by the Daoist Masters & lineages to describe the interplay of the 3 Treasures – the energies of the Cosmos, the Earth and the Human energy matrix.

As we are a smaller energy field within the larger energy field of the Earth, the changing Earth energetics have a profound effect on our own energy matrix.
The concept of flowing with the larger energetic flows of the Earth to create a harmony with our own energetic makeup as a pose to resisting the greater energetic movement is of vital importance for our Mind, Body & Spirit energies.

The Wood Element within our human energy field is composed of the Liver and Gall Bladder organ and meridian Qi flows. It is a very expansive, creative and flowing energy that can be utilized for the birthing of new expressions in our lives.

  • TAI CHI as a path to enhance Health & Wellness - London Herts Essex - TAI CHI

Dr T. Kaptchuk describes the Wood Element as follows,

“The Liver is exquisitely sensitive to boundaries and demarcations and maintains the smoothness and harmony of movement in the body. The NeiJing metaphorically calls the Liver “the general of an army” because it ultimately embodies a refined assertiveness that is timely, skillful, and strategic and forceful yet remains mobile and flexible.” 1

As the Wood Element of Planet Earth unfolds into the fullness of Spring notice if you are naturally flowing with this outward expansive and very creative energetic flow.

If not, and especially if there is any inner resistance to this, it could be that stagnations from the inward Water element energies of Winter coupled with fear is resisting the new expansion and the unfolding unknown.

The Water element in TCM is composed of the Kidney organ and meridian Qi flows and can express as both fear and wisdom - at the planetary level it expresses through the season of Winter.

TAI CHI to enhance your Health & Wellness - London Herts Essex - TAI CHI

Use Spring’s emergent energies to drive forward both current creations as well as allowing the Wood Element to support the birthing of the new throughout all expressions of your life.

If you do this, you will notice that flows and a certain flexibility occur - not just in the energies of your Body Mind Spirit trinity but in all aspects of your reality - allowing ease in a very changeable world.
Experience a WuXin – 5 Elements LIVE Energy Diagnostics or QI GONG Energy therapy at the Light centre, Monument on Saturdays or Wednesdays as well as Online

5 Elements – 5 week Energy course

QI GONG 1-1 sessions at the Light centre, Monument on Saturdays or Wednesdays

Upcoming QI GONG Energy Workshops at Light centre, Monument

For more information contact us

1p81 The Web that has no Weaver – Dr T. Kaptchuk, O.M.D.

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