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Transcendental states to enrich your everyday life

Transcendental states are not just for Gurus, Enlightened Masters & Ascended Beings – they are actually a normal part of the human awareness range.

Due to general societal conditioning these states of awareness have not been seen as particularly valid for practical purposes and have been generally relegated to the role of a part time hobby for spiritual seekers and weekend meditators.

To understand the importance of Transcendental states let’s look at the model of Reality.

The starting point is the Quantum Field (Source, the Void and many other titles also describe this starting point). Then we get aspects of Consciousness-Energy-Information which in direct relevance to the human experience would be the Consciousness-Energy-Information aspects that are often referred to as Souls, Super Consciousness or Higher Selves.

From this Super Consciousness aspect of Consciousness-Energy-Information we again get multiple fractals one of which incarnates & animates the current human life experience – you right now on planet Earth.

This human incarnation has a wide band of consciousness that interacts through various states of awareness downloading from the Super Consciousness and the Quantum field directly and also in it’s variety of expressions.

  • Monk in Transcendental state - Transcendental states to enrich your everyday life - London Herts Essex - Lucia No3

Transcendental states could be likened to a superfast broadband connection to both one’s own Super Consciousness and the Quantum field as well.

So how does this translate practically to everyday life?

Everything is Consciousness-Energy-Information - absolutely everything from your morning cup of coffee to your nearest and dearest not forgetting the multiple environments and people you interacts with throughout each day.

We often close down our awareness to quite a narrow bandwidth in our daily life effectively ignoring so much helpful Consciousness-Energy-Information streaming in from our Super Consciousness and the Quantum field.

The Transcendental state, when activated, can allow a fuller access to this helpful Consciousness-Energy-Information with all the great innovative ideas, intuitions and creative uplifting energetics.

With practice one can access Transcendental states and standard states of awareness simultaneously but initially it is good to spend focused time in the Transcendental state until an effortless accessibility is achieved and then utilize it simultaneously with normal states of awareness throughout the day.

How to access the Transcendental state:

  • Find a quiet, energetically harmonious space and ensure that you won’t be disturbed for 15-30mins
  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position
  • Close the eyes and allow the breath to auto regulate until it naturally becomes even and regular
  • Notice your thoughts, emotions and inner and outer experiencing but as a detached observer
  • Holding this detached observer or witness state just allow the body, breath, mind and emotions to be and exist however they are – and whatever arises – just witness it.
    Don’t attach to or try to process anything
  • As you gently hold this process your awareness can effortlessly expand into Transcendental states – sometimes you will drop in and out of this other times you may have dual awareness of both the Transcendental state and the body, mind emotional states of awareness.
  • Whenever you wish to - bring full awareness and focus into the body and spend time centering and grounding in the body
  • Now is the time to note down anything you experienced including feelings and energetic changes
  • Straight after this exercise you may notice ideas flowing or energetic drives to complete a task or perhaps a feeling of tiredness – in which case rest and give yourself nurturing time and activities.
If you'd like to experience deep Transcendental states we offer Consciousness Awareness expansion sessions as well as programmes using Lucia No3 – the Lucid Light experience as well as with LIVE Energy Diagnostics and Energy modulation.

Do get in touch if you’re interested in trying this out at the Light centre, Monument on a Saturday.

For more information about Lucia No 3 - light sessions

Video created by Black Dots Video

WARNING: The above video contains footage of an extremely rapid flashing light, and should not be viewed by people who have epilepsy.

For Full Screen view first Press Play and then click on the Square icon in the bottom right corner of the actual video clip

LIVE Energy Diagnostics and Energy Modulation for Transcendental states

Meditation for Transcendental states

Lucia No3 - Light Therapy articles

Heart Brain coherence - the Amazing Secret to vibrant living
Emotional balancing and upliftment – a key to harmony in a rapidly changing world
How the Latest Developments in Light Therapy are Improving Physical and Mental Health
Health, Relaxation & Brain Wave states
Consciousness Expansion & Inner Evolution